Yes, you can change your Username or password.

If you are logged in on a browser:

  1. Click on “My Settings”. 
  2. To change your Username click on "Edit" next to "Username", enter your new Username and your current password, then click on “Save”.
  3. To change your password click on “Edit” next to "Password", enter your current password, your new password and click on “Save”.

If you are logged in on the apps:

  1. Tap on "More"
  2.  Tap on the(gear) icon in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Tap on “My Settings”. 
  4. To change your Username click on "Edit" next to "Username", enter your new Username and your current password, then click on “Save”.
  5. To change your password click on “Edit” next to "Password", enter your current password, your new password and click on “Save”.

If you are not logged in: